Jay's STAR Build Pictures
Hi Glenn,
Here are some pix as promised...as you can see, I've yet to master the art of digital photography.
A quick check of the BPF with no 3126s mounted and using a calibrated sig-gen in and a power meter out, showed all bands within specs, except 60m, which was horribly lossy. Dunno why, as coil inductance measured right and caps OK. It even peaked around 5.25 but with a 15+ dB IL. Luckily, I don't care about 60m so I left it. The 9th set is for 6m which showed a well less than 1dB IL. 10m was also good. This may change now the 3126s have been added and the module completed. I am now wiring it up and hope to be trying to load code shortly. You may notice a nonstandard AF amp...thats because I managed to b....r up soldering in the o/p IC on your board. I am trying to decide whether to cut off the back end and make a separate box for the 2 PAs and LPF...I'm leaning that way. Haven't taken exams and applied for a US licence yet, anyway, so for now I am concentrating on getting a working Rx.
Congrats to you and Chris...the boards were a joy to work with and build time as of yesterday was exactly 3 months.
Regards. Jay
Created on 27th June 2008
Updated on June 27, 2008